Corporate Refugeeにならないために・・・


アメリカでは既にCity Year, Teach for Americaなど、優秀な大学生等ににターゲットを絞ったコミュニティサービスが盛ん。ただこの団体のユニークなところはよりビジネス的な要素を盛り込んでいるところ。ETICの試みに近いのかも。

StatingBloc プロモーションビデオ


Most college students..., are taught to "[go] into the for-profit sector, make money, ignore any social or environmental ethic, and maybe down the line effect change--or go through the nonprofit sector, work on saving the world, but resign yourself to a miserable salary.」


StartingBloc provides socially conscious undergraduate students and young professionals with the training, experience, and networks necessary to drive social, economic, and environmental innovation through their careers and lives as engaged citizens.

【1】Identifying and recruiting outstanding young leaders from leading undergraduate institutions who are dedicated to social responsibility and civic engagement
【2】Training these young leaders in principles of sustainability, social enterprise, and corporate social responsibility
【3】Fostering group leadership and life networks through collaborative, experiential learning
【4】Placing these outstanding young leaders in results-oriented responsible companies, social enterprises, and M.B.A. and graduate school programs
【5】Providing extensive alumni networking resources including proprietary networking tools, continuing education, and innovative partnerships
